Friday, February 10, 2012

Ending the week with a bang! Cleopatra edition.

Just try and resist, Marc Anthony.
Two cuts of bangs come to mind when I think of Cleopatra: Elizabeth Taylor's version, and everybody else's.  First and foremost is, of course, Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra; cut to hit about an inch and a half above the brows, curving downward at the temples.  Sort of the reverse of the Bettie Page. Alternatively, I also think of what I call the broom cut.  Extremely straight, blunt cut, with no curvature.  See below:

I'm currently sporting a self cut, shorter rendition of the latter style.  Take caution when cutting your own bangs though.  If you're bold enough to try, always, ALWAYS, cut when your hair is dry. Friends of mine haven't fared as well when cutting with wet hair.  
My forehead has donned a tamer version of the original Cleo too.  Check it out:
Look at that side boob.
I thought I had a cut that was closer to Elizabeth Taylor's Cleo...guess not.  This is the closest I could find and I am more comfortable calling this the Rainbow, or the diet Mountain Dew to the more EXTREME regular Mountain Dew of ET's Cleo. More on the Rainbow next week.

Until then, keep it bangin'!


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