Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why this is not a food blog, in pictures

When it comes to cooking, I like to think I fall somewhere in the middle on the efficacy spectrum from cereal competent to executive chef.  For generations, people have strived to be decent home cooks, but I wonder if this comparative tendency is new. Has questioning our cooking competence become par for the course in the age of the Food Network and Top Chef?  Thanks to the rise of celebrity chefs and multiple food focused TV programs, we've all become more conscious of our own cooking skills (or lack thereof) with some of us becoming food famous in our own right thanks to the world of blogging.  While I have a pretty extensive repertoire of meals I can prepare, I don't see myself ever tossing my hat in the ring of competitive cooking or food blogging.  
Here's why:

It begins innocently enough.  Coffee beans with a dash of cinnamon.

Some EVOO in the pan

Onion chop chop

Coffee break in my sweet House of Targaryean mug 

Onions in the pan

Portobellos, baby

You get the drill

Saute city

Three eggs and a dash of skim milk for fluffiness

Getting there

Time for the eggs

Extra sharp white cheddar

Sweet baby jesus we're almost done...

...and then it all falls apart.  Is it just me or does my omelette look like the fake plastic vomit you ordered out of those gag "magic trick" catalogs when you were a kid?
Sh%t.  Well, if it's any consolation, it tasted really delicious. 

PS - This was an omelette made for two. I'm not training for an Iron Man.

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