After living in Pasadena for over a year, I finally made it to the Rose Bowl Flea Market. I must say that I haven't seen so many popped tents in one place since that fateful fall day during second period English when Henry weaseled his dad's Playboy into class. This was flat out, the must humongous, overwhelming, and KICKASS flea market I'd ever had the privilege of attending. I was blown away by the selection of mid-century modern furniture that was screaming for a makeover. The highlight of the day may have been the word PENIS spelled out with 3" steel letters positioned naughtily at the edge of a table hawking the alphabet at $2 a pop. I arrived seeking a globe, and I was not disappointed. We saw a variety of globes throughout our amble--but hadn't yet heard the right price. I spotted this awesome orb on our way to the exit, $15 you say, don't mind if I do! The swans were a valentine's day must--what a cute couple, and only $4 for the pair. A steal! The tabby and the shroom lamp are already considered cherished items in my growing collection!
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