Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Robin's Roost

Early construction
The eggs are laid!
Makes you crave an Easter whooper, eh?

Once the weather started getting a bit warmer, I moved our plants outside to our second floor porch.  Being spring in New England, the over night temps can still dip into the freezing range so on a colder night a few weeks ago, I asked Joe to bring the plants inside.  "What is this?" I hear Joe inquire from the kitchen.  "I think there's a nest in here," he says as he brings the hanging plant into the living room.  I peek inside and sure enough--an early stage of a bird's nest had begun taking shape in our Pothos plant.  We cackle in unified excitement about the prospect of a little bird building a nest right outside our kitchen door!  And sure enough over the next week we watch the little red robin finish up her nest and lay her eggs, which she is currently incubating day and night.  In about a week we should have three baby birds chirping away on our porch.  Spring truly has arrived!

Metropol Parasol

The Metropol Parasol in Seville, Spain is finally complete just four years after it's inaugural plank was laid.  So breathtaking.  It's waffle like structure reminds me of a multilevel bird nest.  The world's largest bird nest that is.  The space is also multipurpose and will be used utilized as an:  archeological site, farmers market, elevated plaza, as well as host multiple bars and restaurants.  I anticipate a Spanish vacation in my future...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Florida, MA and a hairpin turn

Florida, MA sign going west on the Mohawk Trail
Absurd Florida, MA sign--Snow man and palm trees?  Really Troop 76?
Wacky hairpin turn driving down Florida Mountain into North Adams
In February, I started a weekly commute from Northampton to Williamstown for a contract gig at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute.  There are numerous ways to get from point A to point B and none of them are very direct or on a major freeway for more than a few miles.  For example, I could take the 9, to the 112, to the 116, to the 8, and finally, to the 2, which would dump me off in Williamstown.  OR, I could take the 9 to the 143, to the 8, to the 7, also resulting in a Williamstown arrival.  My favorite of late happens to be the longest mileage but shortest duration is the picturesquely scenic Mohawk Trail route; the I-91, to the 2 (aka the Mohawk Trail)!  The Mohawk Trail twists, turns, spools, then unfurls, races against two different rivers, then climbs the microcosm that is Mount Florida.  The descent opens with a shocking 360 degree hairpin turn before you are whisked down the mountain into the industrial town of North Adams, Williamstown's blue collar neighbor.  At first, I found the drive sort of stressful and therefore, exhausting.  But after a few rounds at bat, I'm getting more and more comfortable and have started to really enjoy the natural beauty that envelopes me from all sides.  The Berkshires are known as the purple mountains and this morning I got my first peek as to why.  At a mid journey crest, I turned a corner to find a glorious Grimus colored purple peak staring down at me and fell a little more in love with New England.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

just in time for spring

Found via {wit + delight}
A delightful and necessary addition to any afternoon bike riding adventure--a six pack holder for your bicycle!  That bike is pretty rad too...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Watercolor wedding

Fun with watercolors!
Final product
Today's project was a trial of the watercolor escort map pins I'm DIYing for our upcoming nuptials.  I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out.  Now, I just need the final guest count and I'll send them to the printer!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Member's Only? Me and Joe in matching white members only jackets.
Arcade Fire joined James Murphy on stage to sing backup for "All My Friends"
White balloon explosion

NYC for LCD at MSG!  We had an absolute blast at the final LCD Soundsystem show at Madison Square Garden.  Joe's brother Jon, and his wife Ali, were excellent pre-gaming and dancing companions for the evening--so much so that we were all a little beer hazy and sore the following morning. LCD's set capped out at a solid four hours.  James Murphy filled every minute with his beat happy, booty shaking hits--it seemed not a single one was left unplayed, giving both the fans and the band members themselves a proper chance to say goodbye.  He closed the set with a beautiful ode to NYC, using cityscape and cloud images that LCD requested fans to submit a few days before the final show.  As the final note was played, the release of white balloons suspended from nets above the floor seats seemed to symbolize a reverse ascent as LCD passed on, into music history.  While they may cease to produce new music as a group, their records will have a place in all of our Itunes for years to come.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Farewell LCD

Joe, Jon, Ali and I were lucky enough to score tickets to the final LCD Soundsystem show at Madison Square Garden tomorrow night. This landmark occasion will be my first and last time seeing James Murphy and his dance punk co-horts. The band requested that everyone wear either all black, all white, or a mix of both. I'll be adorned in all white with neon pink fingernails---the pink being the only color you'll be able to spot in a blur of white dancing fury. Epic? I think so.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A perfect circle

{Doughnut photo courtesy of Cupcakes and Cashmere}

{Milkshake and cookie sandwiches courtesy of Calder Clark}
What could be a more perfect circle than a doughnut.  Fried dough ensconced with sugary glazing, chocolate, cinnamon sugar, and what else....SPRINKLES.  Can you tell I've been dieting?  I have a serious sweet tooth with my premiere cravings being ice cream, cookies, and doughnuts.  Transforming one's diet is not a simple task but this time I'm committed.  Indulgences like these will be a once every few month treat.  A treat that will be savored down to the last crumb, sprinkle, or drop.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tea time

{Bomb ass Kusmi Tea from Paris}

Whilst strolling the cobbled streets of Paris last September, I kept noticing the adorable store fronts of the Kusmi Tea stores.  After passing a few over a couple of days I finally decided to venture inside.  The rainbow colored spectrum of tea tins blew my mind and I took a few minutes to decide on my selection.  I walked out with a stack of five different flavors, one destined to become my die-hard favorite. 

I am both a coffee and tea drinker, my mood dictating the winning libation of that particular moment.  So, it's fair to say that I don't have a "go-to" favorite flavor of either warm beverage and just haphazardly choose whatever sounds good.  Pomegranate Pizzaz, sure!  Breakfast Blend, alright!  I hadn't reached tea drinking nirvana until I took my first sip of the Kusmi St. Petersburg Green Tea.  The dazzlingly fragrant flavors of caramel and red fruits with a citrusy punch was intoxicating and I knew I was hooked!  And lucky me!  I just found a local store, Cooks Shop Here, that sells my happy addiction!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Squirrelly love

Lover Squirrels 

Valentine's day is just around the corner and love is certainly in the air.  Joe and I are planning an extended celebration.  Lobster and champagne at home on the day of, and a couples hot tub soak and massage a couple of days later.  Heart bubbles *popping* above our heads!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Foot massage

West Elm pebble rug
Walking barefoot on this rug is like getting a foot massage.  I want one for every room in my house!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I wanna dance with somebody...

Girl Walk // All Day from jacob krupnick on Vimeo.

Namely, with this bad ass improvisational wonder girl.  Talk about confidence, to dance balls out in front of a ferry full of people. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


The bulging eyes, the gaping and floppy mouth, and most importantly, the two bottom canines glinting out from his jaw: this picture is amazing.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Take me away

(Photo by Irene Suchocki)
With the endless snow piling up around Northampton, it's easy to day dream of floating over Paris in a hot air balloon.  The red one is my favorite.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hearts on a string

A red and pink paper heart garland leftover from holiday decorations.  I think I'm going to leave it up indefinitely.  Hearts in my eyes!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Party on baby

I can only hope my spawn will be soothed by the music of my generation.  And be excellent dancers.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Theme for Bachelorette Party

I want my bachelorette party to have the look and feel of this amazingly hot video from Rihanna.  YEEOOW!!!!!!